The downfalls of this popular concept might outweigh the positives.
The Law of Attraction made popular by the movie “The Secret” and then Oprah’s highly rated cable TV shows about this Law of Attraction, LOA, there has been a lot of excitement, hype, and fear.
LOA 101: What we think emanates out an energy that magnetizes, or repels, certain people, places, moods, experiences, or things. Basically, fear of negative thoughts and fear of “bad” negative feelings. The content of the thoughts are not nearly as powerful as the energy we are BEING behind them.
The common narrative is
Negative energy is bad. Don’t think negative thoughts. You must use your willpower every moment to manage every thought you think, or you’ll fail and attract all sorts of shitty things to your life because you weren’t doing it right.
How inspiring is that?
Well my friends, unfortunately for many people the Law of Attraction has brought far more stress than empowerment.
1. So many of my clients have revealed their absolute terror in doing this powerful secret wrong.
We are SO afraid to get it wrong. Our self-esteem plummets from this common misinterpretation of the Law of Attraction (LoA). We are more frantic and disempowered than before we’d ever heard of it! It is one more thing to do, and the consequences of getting it wrong might mean attracting car accidents, illnesses, debt, breakdowns in general. We are a society impoverished of true self-trust, so most people tend to misunderstand universal laws because they have so much fear.
2. The other thing that goes wrong for people is their fear of feeling deep desire, their fear of hope.
People are scared to care, scared to get their hopes up. It takes a lot of courage to claim and declare something you really want, it is incredibly vulnerable, it is emotionally safer to think, “this stuff won’t work”. We don’t want to set ourselves up for disappointment. It has hurt too much in the past, so we don’t move through these vulnerable feelings to the DESIRE because we judge these feelings as “negative”. It is very short-sighted but understandable.
3. The hope of the LoA seems to be causing more doubt and distrust in a higher power, in our power, because we haven’t got all the facts and steps.
When people don’t see their magical life start revealing itself a week after applying Law of Attraction practices. Which include affirmations, vision boards, and mindset work, to name a few. We’ve been given bits here and there, but I’ll be honest if someone gave me a scrambled cake recipe with only a few pieces at a time, with no logical order, I would mess that up too. Then I would come to the conclusion “I can’t make cakes.” It’s not that I cannot make a cake, anyone can with the right ingredients and instructions can. Therefore, you can work with your inner and outer power to make life work too. One step at a time, while detaching from the outcome.
4. On its own, the LoA is incredibly neutral, like gravity and electricity. We humans like complicating the bejeebers out of simple concepts.
LoA is mostly being taught from a left cognitive brain place. People try to understand a BIG Being concept in their itty bitty left brain. Unfortunately, the message gets diluted and distorted that way. The cognitive mind is not your heart, it is not your soul, it is not your Spirit. It is a brilliant beautiful mind that does it’s job well – thinking, analyzing, remembering, organizing data, judging, assessing- don’t expect it to manifest a Pony without any Spirit ok? OR if having a Pony is not in your highest good, you also won’t manifest it. Cool eh? Intelligence is working on your behalf and editing your manifestations to TRULY bless you with exactly what you need. The thoughts are only 1 ingredient. The more important thing is how aligned you are with your core self, or ‘your being’.
5. In truth, the LoA is more about realigning to who we are BEING, rather than if we can get a Ferrari or Pony 
Once you align with your being, you can put whatever you want on your vision board! Because you won’t need it to affirm your worthiness as a person, you will already have that. And from that natural place of knowing you are already worthy and inherently good-who, you always WERE – you can jam with the LoA like a badass. You won’t need anything to feel good. Your first steps in using LoA is practising feeling better and better because universal laws will not support our skewed unworthiness. So start aiming for that.
How good will I let myself feel today? How compassionate can I be with my negative thought habits today? What will small steps help me feel better? Here and now, where I am, with what I have. We want to feel good! The stuff is stuff, none of it matters if you aren’t coming from your core self, nothing will ever be good enough if you try to manifest from your cognitive mind only. So start small every day finding little ways to feel good and re-direct your thoughts. You got this.
When we don’t understand these tweaks to the Law of Attraction teachings, we think we are doing something wrong. Or that God must think we aren’t worth the energy to receive what we desire.
That’s all mental BS from our minds because our minds can’t let go and surrender to our Being. Our minds create a separated self, our small self we experience as separate from our worthiness, belonging, and being. Separate from our Power to create our experiences in our lives. The REAL gift of the LoA is showing us how powerful we are to create and participate in our lives.
Energy just is. Being is aligning to this energy that you are. Just being.
What is Being? Let’s learn from the Sun.
The Sun is just being. It’s being a big ass star, close enough that we on earth can benefit and live from its very nature to burn gasses 24/7 creating an unconditional source for us regardless of what we think about it, or if we meditated today and didn’t think any bad thoughts. LoA is not Santa Claus counting if we are naughty, and docking us points for negative, naughty thoughts. No matter what, that sun continues burning gasses creating the light we desperately need to survive. Our being operates from the same unconditional neutrality.